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  • Budgeting 101

    What is it? What are the different ways? What is a budget and what is budgeting? In layman’s terms, a budget is a financial plan for a period of time and budgeting is the act of putting that plan into action. This financial plan is like an overview of your income, expenses, and savings. There…

    Read the full article here.

  • Episode 10: Outfi, I Want to Return to Belgium

    Reference: OUTFI! Je veux rentrer en Belgique. >.< It’s been only three weeks since I got back. And I am just lost for words. It’s over. Literally. When we are on exchange, people would warn us, “profite à fond,” enjoy all of it before it lasts. What can I say, a wonderful year has…

    Read the full article here.

  • Episode 9: Life is Beautiful

    Reference: “You never really know a man until you understand things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Harper Lee from To Kill a Mockingbird. To gain international understanding, I signed a contract two years ago with Rotary International to become a Rotary Youth Exchange…

    Read the full article here.