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401(k) vs. IRA
What are they? Which one should I consider? What is a 401(k) and what is an IRA? In layman’s terms, a 401(k) is a feature of a company allowing their employees to contribute a portion of their wages into accounts. Whereas, an individual retirement acocunt or IRA is a tax-advantaged investing tool for individuals to…
Savings 101
What is it? How can I save more? This blog post contains affiliate links. What is savings? In layman’s terms, savings is the difference between income and expenses. Savings is the money left over from your spendings. For an example, when you gain $4,000 and used $3,000, then your savings is the remaining $1,000. More…
Minimalist Wallet
This blog post contains affiliate links. What is a minimalist wallet? In layman’s terms, a wallet that contains your necessities like your ID, credit/debit card, some cash, and insurance card. If you are looking for a lighter year with a lighter wallet, then a minimalist wallet might be for you! A couple of helpful tips.…