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  • Episode 8: Life with Peace, Liberty, and Freedom

    Reference: Happy Memorial DAY! Thank you to all of those who served for our country for without them, we will not be able to experience what we are experiencing right at this moment. For those who have sacrificed their lives whether it was willingly or not, they fought for the future generations to come.…

    Read the full article here.

  • Episode 7: Midpoint of Exchange

    Reference: Well I would like to say that I’m in the middle point. The point where my English is getting bad and my French isn’t getting any better. The transition point where I’m kind of getting better at French and my English is slowly deteriorating. This is the point where I feel like I’m…

    Read the full article here.

  • Episode 6: Finding Myself

    Reference: Après ayant une mauvaise semaine et une âme perdue, j’avais trouvé moi-même en ce froid jour avec la neige et le drapeau belge. J’ai trouvé la paix, les deux dans mon âme et dans mon cœur. Pour ça, je suis contente. I found my peace. After soul searching for a while, I finally…

    Read the full article here.